Troop 129

Fall Camporee

Our first post-summer campout is just over a month away from now. Fall Camporee is September 17-19, so please mark your calendars now! 

Similar to the Spring Camporee, this event will be held at Bert Adams Scout Camp. All of the activities at the Fall Camporee will be focused on S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics).

Interested? Please fill out the Camporee Sept 2021 form on the [Sign-up page] as soon as possible. The Troop will need an accurate headcount for this event.

The Mighty 129 will be running a paper glider activity during Camporee! Any parents/adults staying at the camp this weekend are welcome to drop by the HQ and work a shift.

Attendees can arrive at Bert Adams as early as 3 pm on Friday, September 17. Mr. Jim Towhey is leading up this event, so please reach out to him if you have any additional questions at this time.

Bert Adams Camp Map