Our first post-summer campout is just over a month away from now. Fall Camporee is September 17-19, so please mark your calendars now! Similar to the Spring Camporee, this event will be held at Bert Adams Scout Camp. All of the activities at the Fall Camporee will be focused on S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, and […]
Merit Badge Class Follow-up
On Saturday, July 31, Mr. Jim Towhey and Mr. Jim Carey led two merit badge classes for Emergency Preparedness and Environmental Science. They reported having excellent participation, with nearly a dozen Scouts in attendance. One Scout was even able to complete his Environmental Science badge, since he previously had finished most of the requirements. Mr. […]
Advancement Day @ Stone Mountain
On Saturday, August 21 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. there will be an “Advancement Day” at Stone Mountain. No, you are not wrong. We did originally note this would be at the Scout Hut. We needed to shift locations due to a scheduling conflict at the Scout Hut with the cub scouts. Stone Mountain […]
Upcoming Meeting @ Westhampton Pool
UPDATE (8/16/21 – 8:15 pm): We will not meet at the pool tomorrow evening due to expected weather conditions in the Atlanta area. In fact, there will be no Troop meeting tomorrow evening. The plan is to postpone this by 1 week and instead meet at the pool on August 24 (same time). Some of […]
Upcoming Hike
UPDATED (7/22 – 8:05 pm): The hike is still a go for this Saturday, July 24 (same time; same location). Due to the inaccuracy of weather reports as of late, Scoutmaster Jarod will only call off the hike if the weather is bad on Saturday morning (the day of the event). Who’s ready for a […]
Volunteers Needed for Tree Lot 2021
Calling all parents! We know it may seem early, but it’s time to start planning the 2021 Tree Lot!. For anyone not aware, the Tree Lot is our main Troop fundraiser each year. It requires a lot of planning to be successful, so it is critical to start those committee meetings up in the very […]
Merit Badge Opportunities
Heads up Troop 129! There are several merit badge classes that are scheduled to begin after Summer Camp. There will be two Eagle required merit badge classes Saturday, July 31. They include Emergency Preparedness (taught by Mr. Jim Towhey) and Environmental Science (taught by Mr. Jim Carey). Scouts will not have time to work on both; they […]
Swim Test for Summer Camp
Most Scouts and parents are likely aware, but anyone attending summer camp needs to complete the BSA swim test. With that in mind, the Troop has setup time for the Scouts attending summer camp to complete the test on Tuesday, May 18 from 7-9 pm. This will take place at the Mountain Park Aquatic Center […]
Summer Camp Information
It’s hard to believe, but it’s finally time for Summer Camp at Rainey Mountain! Scouts need to arrive at camp by 1 pm on Sunday, June 6. Also, don’t forget to print and fill out the medical pre-screening form [here] before you leave for Rainey Mountain! Please see below for additional details. THINGS THAT SHOULD […]
Whitewater Rafting Trip
No, we are not going to the water park. The Troop is going whitewater rafting on May 29! The rafting will take place on the Nantahala River in North Carolina through the Rolling Thunder River Company. You can check out their website [here]. For any Scout, parent or family/friends attending, please read over the information […]