Troop 129

Wood Carving MB Classes

A group of Scouts recently asked Mr. Carey to begin new classes for Wood Carving Merit Badge (MB). This also will be an opportunity for Scouts who previously started this MB to finish their remaining requirements. In addition, other Scouts or adults who want to improve their knife skills are welcome to participate, even if they are not working on the MB.

During last week’s Troop meeting, Mr. Carey provided recommendations to Scouts on what carving tools to purchase (or borrow) for completing this MB. If anyone has questions, please talk with Mr. Carey. Scouts need to have their carving tools BEFORE class #1 on August 24.

Here is the schedule for this MB:

  1. All Scouts need to have their “Totin’ Chip” card before they start work on this MB. If they do not have it already, they should ask the Senior Patrol Leader for help getting it during one of the regular Tuesday Troop meetings BEFORE class #1 on August 24.
  2. Class #1:
    • When: Saturday, August 24, 2024, 8:30 AM until 12:00 noon. We start PROMTLY at 8:30 so please do not be late. Please stay for the entire period.
    • Where: Troop 129 Scout Hut
    • What to bring:
      1. Completed Totin’ Chip card.
      2. MB blue card
      3. Scout’s carving tools (knife, gouges, sharpening tools, etc.)
      4. Full water bottle
    • Mr. Carey will need multiple adults to help watch for safe carving tool use during the class. We want to avoid injuries!
    • During Class #1, we will cover some of the discussion requirements, and spend most of the time learning and practicing carving knife skills. We also will learn knife sharpening skills.
    • After Class #1, each Scout needs to decide upon what “carving in the round” project he wants to make with his knife (requirement #6 for this MB). Scouts should consult with Mr. Carey about their project ideas before they start.
    • After Class #1, Scouts also will need to practice their knife skills. They need to be prepared to demonstrate they know those knife and sharpening skills to Mr. Carey during Class #2.
  3. Class #2:
    • When: Sunday, September 8, 2024, 8:30 AM until 12:00 noon. We start PROMTLY at 8:30 so please do not be late. Please stay for the entire period.
    • Where: Troop 129 Scout Hut
    • What to bring:
      1. Completed Totin’ Chip card.
      2. MB blue card
      3. Scout’s carving tools (knife, gouges, sharpening tools, etc.)
      4. Full water bottle
    • Mr. Carey will need multiple adults to help watch for safe carving tool use during the class. We want to avoid injuries!
    • During Class #2, we will cover some of the discussion and knife use demonstration requirements. We will spend most of the time learning and practicing carving gouge skills. We also will learn gouge sharpening skills.
    • After Class #2, each Scout needs to decide upon what “low relief” or “chip carving” project he wants to make with his gouges and/or knife (requirement #7 for this MB. Scouts should consult with Mr. Carey about their project ideas before they start.
    • After Class #2, Scouts also will need to practice their carving gouge skills. They need to be prepared to demonstrate they know those gouge and sharpening skills to Mr. Carey during subsequent regular Troop meetings.
  4. Optional Field Trip: Visit the weekly meeting of the “Atlanta Woodcarvers Club”
    • When: Saturday, DATE TBD, 9:30 AM until 12:00 noon. Note different start time.
    • Where: The Tucker Recreation Center (building next to the St. Andrew’s Church on LaVista Road where the Troop sells Christmas trees each year).
    • What to bring:
      1. Completed Totin’ Chip card.
      2. Scout’s carving tools (knife, gouges, sharpening tools, etc.)
      3. Full water bottle
      4. Their carving projects for requirement #6 and #7
    • Mr. Carey will need multiple adults to help watch for safe carving tool use during the field trip. We want to avoid injuries!
    • During field trip, Scouts can talk with Atlanta Woodcarvers Club members about the projects they are making, as well as ask Club members other carving-related questions. Scouts also can sit with the Club members and work on their own projects.