There is a 1-mile course at Stone Mountain Park that’s a perfect introduction to orienteering. The shaded course starts near the chimney of an old homestead along the Cherokee Trail, just north-west of the Children’s Playground and Howell Lake. There is no cleared trail to follow, but the hike isn’t strenuous. This weekend will be […]
Personal Fitness Merit Badge Class (Part 1)
A very large number of the Scouts in the Troop have not yet earned their Personal Fitness merit badge. For those unaware, Personal Fitness is one of the Eagle required merit badges. On Saturday, April 13, we will have the first of two Personal Fitnessmerit badge classes at the Troop 129 Scout Hut. As explained below, […]
Troop 129 Skills Campout
Come kick off Spring camping at the Allatoona Aquatics Base, March 1 – 3! This facility is only an hour away from the Scout Hut, but it is probably the most primitive BSA campground in Georgia. A sign-up for this campout is available below. [Sign-up for Allatoona Campout] During the Summer, many water-based merit badges […]
Summer Camp 2024
This year, the Troop will attend Camp Daniel Boone (CDB) in Canton, NC from June 9 – 15. CDB has posted the classes they are planning to offer, and they now have posted the merit badge class schedule. [CDB 2024 Merit Badge Class Schedule] As a reminder, Scouts will need to have forms A, B […]
Fast and “Flurrious” Camping
We could see snow this year in North Georgia, and a prepared Scout might be able to bolt to the woods to find a winter wonderland. With that in mind, we are setting up a text thread for Scouts and parents that might be able to pull off an impromptu camping trip (in case we […]
Home Repairs Merit Badge
Want to learn how to do some basic repairs around your home? You’re in luck! Mr. Chris May is starting the Home Repairs MB. This is a great MB that covers skills Scouts are likely to use throughout their entire life (perhaps even on your Eagle project). Mr. May will lead a discussion covering various safety concerns […]
High Falls Campout & Hike
Looking ahead to November, we will have a single night campout at High Falls State Park in Jackson, GA on the night of Saturday, November 4. The fun kicks off bright and early that day at 8 a.m.! Also, in addition to the campout, there is a hike planned for Sunday morning, November 5. The […]
Cumberland Island Campout
Troop 129 is headed to [Cumberland Island] on October 6 – 9. Additional details to follow, but we have campsites secured for the following 3 sites on the island. SITE #1: Sea Camp – The Sea Camp Campground is located a half mile from the Sea Camp dock. All sites are walk-to, tent sites and […]
Squirrel’s Nest Campout
A strange as it may sound, we will be staying at a “squirrel’s nest” for the September campout. These unique platform structures are found at [Unicoi State Park] in Helen, GA. Ms. Jean Hilyard and Mr. Beau Grant will be the adult leaders / coordinators for this campout on September 15 – 17. Jean has […]
Caving and Camping
Our next campout will be coupled with a caving adventure at Tumbling Rock Cave in Alabama on August 25-27. For the caving, the Troop currently has reserved spots for 12 Scouts and 4 adults, but we do have the option to add more. At this time, the sign-up has been closed. To be added at […]